Graphic or Website Designer required

Full time or Part Time, Mail us at


Through our long standing involvement with education, students and Universities we have built up many contacts in a variety of areas, not the least of them being the employment market.

Stemming from this we have implemented a placement service for employers who are looking for suitable candidates.

By allowing our employment team to sellect candidates for your job profile from out data base you can be sure you won’t waste your valuable time fending off unsuitable aspirants and resumes.

To discuss your requirements and the next step call us today.


Your quest for programmers, web designers, web developers, VFX professionals, graphic designers, and web professionals has come to an end at BIIT.

For the aforementioned positions, we have students that are well-trained. We have always worked hard to help our pupils shine.

The fact that thousands of our students have found success in diverse employment sectors since 2015 speaks volumes about the effectiveness of our placement help.

Talk to our EXPERTS

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ENQUIRE NOW OR CALL : +91-9318356685

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