Full Stack Web Dvelopment Using PHP

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Full Stack Web Dvelopment Using PHP

PHP(Core,Advanced,Framework,CMS,Web Designing) Core PHP

  • Evaluation of PHP ` Basic Syntax  

  • Defining variable and constant  

  • PHP Data type  

  • Operator and Expression

  • Capturing Form Data  
  • Dealing with Multi-value filed  
  • Generating File uploaded form  
  • Redirecting a form after submission
  • Making Decisions  
  • Doing Repetitive tasks with looping  
  • Mixing Decisions and looping with Html  
  • What is a function  
  • Define a function  
  • Passing value in a function  
  • Recursive function 
  • Creating and accessing String  
  • Searching & Replacing String  
  • Formatting String  
  • String Related Library function  
  • Send Email  
  •  Send email with attachment  
  •  Upload file and images  
  •  PHP validation on upload images and files  
  •  Download single file  
  •  Download multiple file in zip format  
  •  Pagination in PHP  
  • Anatomy of an Array  
  • Creating index based and Associative array  
  • Accessing array Element  
  • Looping with Index based array  
  • Looping with associative array using each() and foreach()  Some useful Library function  
  • Understanding file& directory  
  • Opening and closing a file  
  • Coping ,renaming and deleting a file  
  • Working with directories  
  • File Uploading & Downloading 
  • What is JSON  
  • Why we use JSON  
  • JSON Encode  
  • JSON Decode  
  • What is Parsing  
  • What is XML Parsing  
  • Types of XML Parsing  
  • XML Parsing with PHP 
  • Base 64 Encode  
  • Base 64 Decode  
  • MD5  
  • SHA  
  • Using query string(URL rewriting)  
  • Using Hidden field  
  • Using cookies  
  • Using session  
  • What is regular expression  
  • Pattern matching in PHP  
  • Replacing text  
  • Splitting a string with a Regular Expression
  • What is regular expression  
  • Pattern matching in PHP  
  • Replacing text  
  • Splitting a string with a Regular Expression
  • Introduction to RDBMS  
  • Connection with MySql Database  
  • Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)  Setting query parameter  
  • Executing query  
  • Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.) 

Mini Project

Web Designing


  • Introduction to HTML  
  • HTML Tags  
  • Creating Forms  
  • Creating tables  
  • Managing home page


  • Introduction to CSS  
  • Three ways to use CSS  
  • CSS Properties  
  • Designing website  
  • Working with Templates  

Java Script

  • Introduction to Javascript  
  • Three ways to use Javascript  
  • Working with events  
  • Client-side Validation 


  • Introduction to JQuery  
  • Validation using JQuery  
  • JQuery Forms  
  • JQuery Examples  


  • Introduction to AJAX  
  • PHP with AJAX  
  • Working with database  


  • BootsrapIstallation  
  • Bootstrap Example  
  • Bootstrap Container 
  • Bootstrap Jumbotron 
  • Bootstrap Buttons 
  • Bootstrap Grid 
  • Bootstrap Table 
  • Bootstrap Form 
  • Bootstrap Carousel 
  • Etc  
Mini Project  
Advance PHP  
Introduction to OOPS  
  • Introduction  
  • Objects  
  • Declaring a class  
  • The new keyword and constructor  
  • Destructor  
  • Access method and properties using $this variable  Public ,private, protected properties and methods  Static properties and method  
  • Class constant  
  • Inheritance & code reusability  
  • Polymorphism  
  • Parent:: & self:: keyword  
  • Instanceof operator  
  • Abstract method and class  
  • Interface  
  • Final 

Exception Handling

  • Understanding Exception and error  
  • Try, catch, throw  
  • Framework- Codeigniter (Any One)  
  • Introduction to Codeigniter  
  • Understanding the MVC Pattern Models  
  • How MVC works?  
  • ConfigurationCodeigniter  
  • Setting up Codeigniter with apache Environmenteg. Enable mod_rewrite  Configuration Codeigniter to work with database  
  • Running Cake for the first time  
  • Codeigniter Convention: Naming convention for MVC and database tables  Models: Creating up model for a database table  
  • Fetching data  
  • Saving and updating data  
  • Deleting data  
  • User defined function in model  
  • Data Validation 

Controller: Creating controller

  • Controller function  
  • Interacting with model  
  • Interacting with views  
  • Controller variables and parameters  
  • Redirection  
  • Getting post data 

Views: Creating Views

  • Working with configuration layout  
  • Creating custom layout  
  • Element and helpers  

Codeigniter session:

  • Storing data in cake session  
  • Reading a session data  
  • Delete data from session  

CMS- WordPress /WordPress Introduction

  • Understanding and Using domain names  WordPress Hosting Options  
  • Installing WordPress on a Dedicated Server  Understanding Directory Permissions  

Basics of the WordPress User Interface  

  • Understanding the WordPress Dashboard  Pages, Tags, Media and Content Administration  Core WordPress Settings  

Finding and Using WordPress Plugins  

  • Finding and Installing Plugins Quickly and Easily  Upgrading WordPress Plugins  
  • Recommended WordPress Plugins  

Working with WordPress Themes  

  • Understanding the Structure of WordPress Themes  Finding Themes and Choosing the Right One  Installing Themes 
  • Configure Themes  
  • Free and Paid Themes  

WordPress Content Management  

  • Understanding Posts Versus Pages  
  • Organizing Posts with Categories  
  • Connecting Posts Together with Tags  
  • Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies  Managing Lists of Links  

Creating and Managing Content  

  • Hands-On Training on the WordPress Editors  


  • MySQL 

Current Updates and Scenario

  • PHP 7.2.0 ORC6 released for bug testing.
  • GraphQL libraries are added in PHP libraries.
  • Implementation of CORS in Zend Expressive.
  • Xdebug and Timecop extension are compatible with php.
  • New php-pecl-mcryptpackage from the PECL cemetery.
  • Improved support for TokuDB

PHP is embedding new extensions and influencing frameworks to make the code easier to develop. NoSQL database compatibility is under process. Compatibility fixes when running under HHVM 3.18. PHP is getting more open-source developers to improve the environment structure.

Benefits & Future Scope

  • PHP can generate dynamic page content.
  • PHP can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server.
  • PHP can collect form data.
  • PHP can send and receive cookies.
  • PHP can add, delete and modify data in your database.
  • PHP can be used to control user access.
  • PHP can encrypt data.

PHP is getting more secure over the blog, website, etc. Since website development is increasing exponentially due to which PHP development will grow automatically in the future. PHP is creating CMS support for new variants to develop.

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