Get Scholarship

Get Scholarship

Brahmanand Institute of Information and Technology is offering highly valuable Scholarships which are available on all our courses.

In order to be eligible for one of BIIT’s Amazing Scholarships you will be required to sit a Spoken English and General knowledge test.

The results you achieve will determine which level of Funding you can expect to receive.

BIIT’s Scholarships are particularly beneficial for young people wishing to embark on specific areas of IT training and transition to employment.

The Benefits of Getting a Scholarship

Today, education is essential, unfortunately it’s also expensive.

Most high school leavers look for financial assistance to embark on several years of education in order to achieve the career of their dreams.

In such a scenario, scholarships show up as the most desired form of financial help available because, unlike educational loans, you don’t have to repay them..

By receiving a scholarship based in academic excellence the value goes beyond just the financial aspect. A scholarship such as the kind available with BIIT will be a prestigious addition to your Resume and boost your career profile with employers.

Scholarship come with numerous other benefits.

Saves you from debt.

Many students incur loan debts from their education fees, and the thought of repaying all the money limits their education. It also creates immense pressure on them for getting highly paid jobs. Scholarships  help in empowering academic and career goals by removing the financial barrier.

Improves performance.

Getting a scholarship takes away all your financial concerns. Thus, it gives you more time to study, gain knowledge and secure better grades. You get ample time to look for opportunities for skill development and knowledge enhancement.

Gives you a career advantage.

Getting a scholarship will leave a good impact on your future employers. Some companies actively look for candidates who have been awarded competitive scholarships.  So you can stand out from the rest during job searches.

We at BIIT believe in providing scholarships of up to 50% on all courses offered for Online and Offline classes.

BIIT Scholarship Details.

  • Test score Above 95%. Scholarship: 50% off
  • Test score Above 90%. Scholarship: 40% off
  • Test score Above 85%. Scholarship: 30% off
  • Test score Above 80%. Scholarship: 20% off
  • Test score Above 70%. Scholarship: 10% off

BIIT doing even more to help you to get the  knowledge and skills you need for a Fantastic Career in IT.

What a BIIT Scholarship offers you..

  • Substantial financial assistance of up to 50% on any course.
  • Access to Sound technical knowledge so you go further in both professional and educational aspects of yoyr life.
  • Studying at BIIT offers a rich and memorable experience.
  • Freedom to choose from one of the most extensive range of IT Courses in India
  • Basic to Advanced  Computer programmes, Digital Marketing, Tally + Accounting and much much more.
  • All the faculty members at BIIT hold a relevant degree and certification approved by the responsible programming bodies.
  • Learn from certified and industry experienced trainers.

BIIT is recognised as the best professional  Hardware and Networking  training, centre in East Delhi.

For more information about Brahmanand Institute of Information and Technology Scholarships, our courses and career services contact our office.

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