Full Stack Web Development Using .net

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Full Stack Web Development Using .net


The digital era is transforming the world every moment as we speak of it. Every business is going online now as a smart way to reach customers. .NET has its effect on various business websites and applications due to its power to steer businesses to success, being one of the most famous and widely used frameworks out there. Hence, the demand for certified Fulls Stack developers, to manage both front end and back end on the client and server side is hitting the roof. This course offers valuable introduction and in depth understanding on CI/CID, Docker, ASP.NET Core and more with access to training on real-time application development.


Upon successful completion of the course, you will acquire profound knowledge on various concepts and aspects as mentioned below:

  • JavaScript, HTML4/5 Markup and CSS3 Style sheet languages
  • Designing Interactive Web Pages
  • .NET Core Architecture
  • ASP.NET Core middleware, implementation and Error handling
  • Front End & Back End Concepts
  • Using Dependency Injection with ASP.NET
  • Learning view models, view data, etc.
  • Understanding the Structure of ASP.NET Core Razor Project
  • Deploying Website on Microsoft Azure and IIS
  • Creating & Designing REST Service using Web API
  • Building Enterprise-grade application with ASP.NET Core best practices
  • Deploying applications on IIS and Cloud
  • DevOps and SQL Database
  • Ci/CID Concepts

Skills you will gain

  • Web Page basics and Designing
  • Integration, Deployment and Hosting
  • Database Essentials
  • Client-side Technology


  • Module 1 The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0
  • Module 2 ASP.NET Core for ASP.NET MVC Developers training
  • Module 3 Entity Framework Core using ASP.NET Core 6 (.NET 6)
  • Module 4 Introduction to CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes
  • Module 5 Essentials of SQL
  • HTML4/5 Markup and CSS3 Style Sheet Technologies
  • Programming with JavaScript
  • Overview of jQuery built-in function library
  • Introduction to AngularJs
  • Introduction to .NET Architecture
  • Using ASP.NET Core as Middleware
  • Developing ASP.NET Core 6 MVC Application
  • Server side/Client Side Validation
  • Planning & Designing Models and Views
  • Introduction to Razor Syntax
  • Exploring the structure of Razor pages Application
  • Using Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core
  • Exploring a Web Application with REST Service
  • Website Deployment on Microsoft Azure and IIS
  • ASP.NET Core best Practices
  • CI/CD Basic features
  • Exploring CI/CD Environment and Work flow
  • Introduction to DevOps
  • Introduction to Kubernetes
  • Installation of Docker
  • Exploring the Docker Hub
  • Introduction and Installation to SQL
  • DDL, DML, DCL,DQL and TCL Concepts
  • Basic Operation of Database CRUD
  • Other Essentials – Clauses, Operators, Joins and Constraints

Guided Projects

  • Creating a structure of E-commerce websites, taking into account different business use cases and using Bootstrap Framework network, HTML and CSS Technologies.
  • Adding dynamic features to existing structure of Web pages using ASP.NET Core
  • Adding Database connectivity through Entity Framework with SQL as Database for an E-commerce website
  • Creating a to-do-list on Web based Application with AngularJs as Front end.

Domains Covered

  • GUI Development
  • Web Application Development
  • Server-side Development and Frameworks

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