C, C++

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BIIT (Brahmanand Institute of Information and Technology) provides C and C++ classes in Delhi which is designed to teach thorough knowledge of the languages C and C++, as well as practical implementations of the principles. Operating systems, online browsers, office applications, video games, and device drivers, among other things, still employ C and C++. It’s frequently used in situations where performance is crucial because it compiles to native machine code.

 Both C and C++ are computer languages that are used to create applications. The fundamental distinction between the two languages is that C is a procedural programming language that does not support classes or objects, whereas C++ is a hybrid of procedural and object-oriented programming languages. While C++ is popular for graphics-intensive applications like games, photo and video editing programmes, and browsers, C is more typically employed for embedded devices and OS kernels.

Students will learn about The Structure of a C Program, Writing C Programs, Building an Executable Version, Debugging, Examining, and Running an Application Program, Data Types, Variables, Operands, Operators, Expressions, Input/ Output Management, Formatted Input Function, Control-Flow Statements, Control-Flow Program Statements, Looping Statements, and Control-Flow Program Statements in this session. Array, Array Types, 2D Arrays, and Multi-dimensional Arrays Modular Programming with Functions, Modular Programming with Functions, Modular Programming with Functions Data passing to functions, Call By Value and Reference, Array passing as a function parameter, String, and much more.

At BIIT Institute which is located in East Delhi, offer the best classes in Advanced C concepts such as Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic, Pointer With Array, Pointer With Array With Function, Structures, Structures with Multiple Objects, Arrays of Structures, Passing Structures to Functions, Nesting Structures, Storage Classes, Global Variables, File Input/ Output, File Read and Write Operation, Command-line Arguments, Combining Command-line, Pre-processor Directive.

Difference in C & C++

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C was developed by Dennis Ritchie in around 1969 at AT&T Bell Labs.

C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979.


Language Type

It is procedural programming.

C++ supports both procedural and object-oriented programming paradigms.


OOPs feature support

It does not support the OOPs concept so it has no support for polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance.

C++ has support for polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance as it is being an object-oriented programming language.


Data Security

 C does not support encapsulation so data behave as a free entity and can be manipulated by outside code.

However, C++ encapsulation hides the data to ensure that data structures and operators are used as intended.


Driven Type

C in general known as function-driven language.

C++ is known as object driven language.


Feature Supported

C does not support function and operator overloading also do not have namespace feature and reference variable functionality.

 C++ supports both function and operator overloading also have namespace feature and reference variable functionality.

Careers after C, C++

  1. Digital Electric Engineer.
  2. Real-Time Software Engineer.
  3. Software Development Manager.
  4. DevOps Engineer.

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