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App develoment: Android App Development Training Course.


The aim of BIIT’s Android App Development Training course is to give developers an easy and complete understanding of Android App Development with the best Class Room Training provided by industry ecperienced trainers.


The Android Training course offers an extensive  series of sessions and Assignments that will introduce and explain the Android features that are utilised to code, debug and bring Mobile Applications into action.


BIIT The Best Android App Development Training Course

in East Delhi, Laxmi Nagar.



The following Pre-requisites are desirable before beginning the course:


*Development in Java Programming Language


*Understanding of application development frameworks, environments, tools and processes


*Android Training Objectives.



Knowledge acquired from course  completion:


*A firm understanding Android platform architecture.


*You’ll be able to Design, develop, debug, and implement Android applications.


*Use Android SDK’s Emulator to test and debug applications.


*Construct user interfaces with built-in views and layouts.


*Define custom view and layout.


*Develop SQLite Data base.


*Secure Android applications.


*Write multimedia Android applications


*Write location-based applications.


*Interact with Servers using Web Services.



Course Duration and Fees:


Duration – 6 months.

Fee – Rs.15000



Learn iOS App Development from the expert Training team with BIIT The Best Android App Development Training Course

in East Delhi, Laxmi Nagar.


Who is the course aimed at?


This course will be beneficial for those interested in starting their career or wishing to augment their IT profile and increase employability.


Candidate Requirements:

A good understanding of any IT field from beginner to advanced level will be an advantage.


Prepare with BIIT the best IT training in East Delhi.


You’ve set your goal. Now it’s time to join BIIT and build the knowledge and skills to propel your career.


Why is BIIT the best institute for IT Courses and Training in East Delhi?:


First and foremost we have the most highly skilled trainers with the best industry experience working in this field.


Your training will cover not only working on theoretical knowledge but also the essential  practical skills that help you understand concepts using live projects, you’ll get hands-on experience and therefore increased employability..


Why Choose  BIIT ?


*BIIT is ranked the best IT Training institute in Laxmi Nagar East Delhi because along with the best tutoring, we also offer job support and interview preparation.


*Life Time Validity:


Once you are enrolled with BIIT for training, you can revise specific topics or the whole syllabus at any time, up to a maximum of 5 years, untill such time as you’re fully competent and confident.


*Training by Professionals:


You will be trained by professionals who have 8+ years industry experience and extensive teaching expertise.


*Problem Solving Team:


At BIIT we have experts in all aspects and areas of IT who are ready to help you with any  problems you may face 24×7.


*Our small Batches provide one to one focus on each student.


BIIT the best training Institute for all your IT requirements in East Delhi.



BIIT’s Android Training Course Overview:


Introduction to Android


Overview of Android


Java Editions and comparison with Android


Android Apps – Design, Vendor, Behavioral Classification


Android Architecture Overview


Android Architecture


Application Frameworks


Android Libraries, Run time, Dalvik Virtual Machine


Setup of Android Development Environment


System Requirements


Java, Eclipse and Android SDK Installation


Android SDK  and Tools


Android Virtual Devices & Device Definitions


Your Android Application


Android Application Design


Using PhotoShop for Graphic Designing


Android Application Wireframes (screens)


Your First Android Application


Creating Android Application


Creating Configurations


Testing the app: AVD, Active Device


Android Project Structure and Manifest file


Publishing to the Play Store


Release process and Release build of Android Application


Signing the .apk file


Preparing the Store Listing page


Content Rating


Distributing the Application


Merchant Registration for Paid Applications




About XML – approach to design layouts


Views and Layouts


View properties


Linear Layout vs. Relative Layout vs. Frame Layout vs. Absolute Layout


Localization of UI


Best practices for targeting various form factors: phone, tablet, TV


Best practices when working designing Android UI


Android Testing


Creating a Test Project for Android project


Working with Test Packages


Writing test cases




Designing fragments


Fragments life cycle


Fragment management and integration


User Interfaces


Creating the Activity


XML versus Java UI


Selection Widgets, Using fonts


Common UI components


Handling UI events: a bit about listeners


Advanced UI




Complex UI components


Menus and Dialogs


Tabbed Activities


Navigation Drawer




Create activity layouts programmatically


Testing and optimizing UI


Android Material Design


What is material ?


Material properties and Styling / Animations


Material Patterns




Overview of Android Resources


Creating Resources


Using Resources


Drawable Resources


Animation Resources


Broadcast Receivers


Broadcast receiver usage patterns: when and why to use them


Implementing a broadcast receiver


Registering a broadcast receiver via the manifest file and Programmatically


Background Services


Overview of Android services


Service lifecycle


Declaring a service


Registering a service


Starting and stopping a service


Threads and other concurrency considerations with services


Bound versus unbound services


Remote versus local services




Working with Intents


Explicit and implicit intents


Using Intents as messaging objects


Intents to start components expecting results


Storing and Retrieving Data


Storage Model selection criteria


Shared preferences


Internal Storage – Files


External Storage – SD Card


Testing the created files, tools


SQLite Database


Introducing SQLite


SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database


Opening and closing a database


Working with cursors


Inserts, updates, and deletes


Native Content Providers

Content provider types

Searching for content

Adding, changing, and removing content

Native Android Content Providers

Accessing Contact Book, Calendar

Custom Content Providers

Custom Content Provider classes

Publishing content providers

Web Services

Understanding Web Services

Web Services Architecture

Building Server side components

Publishing web services

REST based web services

Accessing Web Services

Integrating Web Services with mobile client

Overview of networking

Checking the network status and web service status

Working with HTTP to access the web services

Parsing, Parsers

Document Object Model ( DOM )

Simple API for XML ( SAX )

JavaScript Object Notation ( JSON )

Parsing XML and JSON

Location Based Services

Using Location Manager, Location Provider

GPS and Network based tracking

Testing the application using KML files

Simulation of the locations on the active device

Location Listeners and Proximity Alerts

Integrating Google Maps

API Version 2 of Google Maps

User Interface – MapFragments

API key generation

Registrations in the manifest file

Google Map, Camera Positions

Adding Markers, Circles, Polylines

Google Maps Directions API


Telephony background

Accessing telephony information

Monitoring data activity and connectivity

Working with messaging SMS

Multimedia in Android

Playing Audio & Video

Recording Audio & Video

Customizing Camera & Capturing Photos

Voice Recognition

Text To Speech


Controlling local Bluetooth device

Discovering and bonding with Bluetooth devices

Managing Bluetooth connections

Communicating with Bluetooth

Social Networking Integrations

Facebook Integration

Debugging  and Testing Android Apps





Monkey Runner


If you require specific information on any aspect of this, or any of BIIT’s courses contact our office and speak with our expert training team. BIIT The Best Android App Development Training Course in East Delhi, Laxmi Nagar.

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