ETL Testing

ETL Testing

ETL Testing

Software Testing / ETL Testing Course.




ETL is an acronym for Extract, Transform and Load it is the process of combining  data from many sources, chamging it into a common format, and transferring the data to a destination most commonly  a Data Warehouse for collecting valuable business insights.


What is ETL Testing?


ETL Testing is a process for verifying the accuracy of data that has been loaded from source to destination after business transformation. The verification of data takes place at multiple stages during the ETL process.


Who is the Software/ ETL Testing  Course beneficial for:


Fresher’s, those interested in starting a career in Software/ETL Testing.


Experienced professionals who maybe feel dissatisfied with current work profile and want a change of direction on their career path and move  into ETL Testing.


Business Analysts looking for a Technical approach.


Manager’s seekkng to develop skills in handling a team.


Freelancers, for doing their own development and career advancement.


BIIT offer the best Software/ETL Testing in East Delhi.


ETL Testing/Data Warehouse Testing Syllabus of BIIT.


Data Ware Housing Concepts.


Introduction to  and Needs of Data Warehouse.


Introduction to OLTP, ETL and OLAP Systems.


Difference between OLTP and OLAP.


DataWarehouse Architecture.


Data Marts.


ODS [Operational Data Store] Dimensional Modelling.


Difference between relation and dimensional modelling Star Schema and Snowflake Schema


Fact table and Dimension table


Normalization and De-Normalization


ETL Testing


What is ETL and its importance for testing.


ETL Architecture.


How DWH ETL Testing differs from Application Testing.


Incompatible and duplicate data.


Loss of data during ETL process.


Volume and complexity of data.


Fault in business process and procedures.


Trouble acquiring and building test data


Types of ETL Testing


Data completeness.


Data transformation.


Data quality.


Performance and scalability.


Integration testing.


User-acceptance testing.


SQL Queries for ETL Testing.


Incremental load testing.


Initial Load / Full load testing.


Different ETL tools available in the market.




Ab Initio.


IBM Data stage.


Power Center Components.




Repository Manager.


Workflow Manager.


Workflow Monitor.


Informatica Concepts and Overview.


Informatica Architecture.


Source Qualifier.


Target Designer.












Prepare for a bright new career or augment your existing employability with BIIT the best Software Testing / ETL Testing

course in East Delhi.


You’ve set your goal. Now it’s time to build knowledge and skills to propel your career.


Why is BIIT the best institute for a Software Testing / ETL Testing Course in East Delhi?:


First and foremost we have the most highly skilled trainers with the best industry experience working in this field.


Your training will cover not only working on theoretical knowledge but also the essential  practical skills that help you understand concepts using live projects.


BIIT is ranked as the best IT training Institute in New Delhi because along with the best tutoring, we also offer job support and interview preparation.


Why Choose  BIIT ?



Life Time Validity:


Once you are enrolled with BIIT for training, you can revise specific topics or the whole syllabus at any time, up to a maximum of 5 years, untill such time as you’re fully competent and confident.


Training by Professionals:


You will be trained by professionals who have 8+ years of indusyry experience and extensive teaching expertise.


Problem Solving Team:


At BIIT we have experts in Software Testing / ETL Testing who are ready to help you with any  problems you may face.


Our small Batches provide one to one focus on each student.


BIIT the best training for Software Testing / ETL Testing in East Delhi.




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