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Apache JMeter is a load testing tool that may be used to analyse and measure the performance of a range of services, with a focus on online applications.

For JDBC database connections, FTP, LDAP, web services, JMS, HTTP, generic TCP connections, and OS-native processes, JMeter can be used as a unit-testing tool. JMeter can also be used as a monitor, albeit this is more commonly utilised for basic monitoring rather than complex monitoring. It can also be used to perform some functional testing. Jmeter also has a Selenium interface, allowing it to run automation scripts alongside performance or load testing. BIIT is a best computer institute in Laxmi Nagar, Delhi.

What is the purpose of JMeter?

JMeter is an Apache test tool for analysing and measuring the performance of applications, software services, and products. Its free software developed entirely in Java that can be used to test both web and FTP applications as long as the machine has a Java Virtual Machine installed (JVM).

JMeter is incredibly user-friendly, making it simple to use and familiarise yourself with. Framework for full multithreading. A separate strand group in JMeter enables for concurrent and simultaneous sampling of multiple functions.

JMeter is primarily used to test Web or FTP applications, although it may also be used for functional testing, JDBC database connections, Web services, generic TCP connections, and OS native processes. In order to obtain reliable performance data against your web server, you can do several testing activities such as Performance, Load, Stress, Regression, and Functional testing. BIIT is a top rating centre to learn automated testing in Delhi.

Stefano Mazzocchi of the Apache Software Foundation originally wrote and developed JMeter. It was created specifically to evaluate Apache JServ’s performance (currently known as Apache Tomcat project). JMeter was revamped by Apache to improve the user interface and include more features and functional testing capabilities.

JMeter is not a browser, and it does not render html pages in the same way that a browser does; instead, it works at the protocol level. BIIT is a best institute to learn hardware and software courses in Delhi.

The following is a list of protocols that JMeter supports:

  • SOAP / XML-RPC Web Services.
  • HTTP and HTTPS sites ‘web 1.0’ and ‘web 2.0’ (ajax, flex and flex-ws-amf).
  • JDBC drivers connect to a database.
  • LDAP Directory.
  • JMS-based messaging-oriented service.
  • POP3, IMAP, and SMTP services are available.

Because a web server hosts a large number of applications and users, it’s important to know how well it can handle multiple users or applications at the same time. For example, to see how the “javaTpoint” supporting server performs when a large number of visitors access the javaTpoint website at the same time, performance testing with tools like JMeter is required. BIIT is among the top 5 best computer institutes in Delhi.

Features of JMeter

The following are some of JMeter’s most important features:

  • Open source application– JMeter is a free open source programme that allows users and developers to reuse the source code for the development of other apps.
  • User friendly GUI– JMeter has a simple and engaging graphical user interface.
  • Support various testing approach– JMeter offers a variety of testing methods, including load testing, distributed testing, and functional testing, among others.
  • Platform Independent– Because JMeter is designed and developed in Java, it may run on any environment or workstation that supports a Java virtual machine, such as Windows, Linux, or Mac.
  • Various server types are supported– JMeter is very expandable and can run performance tests on a variety of servers:


JDBC, LDAP, JMS, and other databases

Mail: POP3.

  • Support multi- protocol– JMeter supports multiple protocols, including HTTP, JDBC, LDAP, SOAP, JMS, and FTP.
  • Simulation– JMeter can produce significant load against a web application under test by simulating multiple users using virtual users or unique users.
  • Framework– JMeter is a multi-threading framework that allows multiple or separate thread groups to sample different functions concurrently and simultaneously.
  • Remote distributed testing– JMeter provides a Master-Slave paradigm for distributed testing, in which the master distributes tests to all slaves and the slaves execute scripts against your server.
  • Test result visualization– Test findings can be visualised in a variety of ways, including graphs, tables, trees, and reports.

JMeter simulates a group of users and makes requests to a target server. Following that, data is gathered in order to calculate statistics and present performance metrics for the target server in various forms.

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