
MongoDB which initially released in 2009, is today a name to be reckoned with.

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MongoDB which initially released in 2009, is today a name to be reckoned with. It has gained popularity amongst start-ups not just in India but worldwide due to its diverse features. One of its powerful features is Load-Balancing. The Open-Source Database has a feature to balance high-loads of data onto multiple servers which makes this database very lucrative for fast-growing companies who are looking to scale up operations in a very short span of time. In order to scale and balance out the load over various servers using a technique called “Sharding”.

At BIIT Training Institute, we would be learning such techniques as Sharding to better utilise the power of MongoDB. MongoDB has additional features like storing data in collections made out of individual documents versus storing data in tables made out of individual rows like relational database does. MongoDB is a cloud-friendly database that is unlike relational databases thus it is referred to as a NoSQL database. A NoSQL database, is a completely new way of thinking about a database wherein, unlike conventional databases, a NoSQL database does not require vertical or horizontal expansion of servers, to expand as data or processing requirements grow.

 MongoDB Course at BIIT Training Institute is a part of the MeanStack Web Development course, which is for Web Developers who look to learn advanced techniques of web development. This is a great value-add course to the existing website design and website development course offered at the Institute. MeanStack Web Development comprises of 3 facets namely:

  •  Front-end Development which can be done using AngularJS Or ReactJS
  • Back-end Development which can be done using NodeJS
  • Database using MongoDB or MariaDB
  • Lesson 1. Basic concepts of databases
  • Lesson 2. What is NoSQL?
  • Lesson 3. Where is it used?
  • Lesson 4. Types of NoSQL
  • Lesson 5. Advantages of NoSQL over RDBMS
  • Lesson 6. Its benefits
  • Lesson 7. Overview of MongoDB
  • Lesson 8. Introduction to JSON/BSON
  • Lesson 9. JSON data types
  • Lesson 10. MongoDB installation
  • Lesson 1. MongoDB Development Architecture
  • Lesson 2. MongoDB Production Architecture
  • Lesson 3. MongoDB CRUD Introduction
  • Lesson 4. MongoDB CRUD Concepts
  • Lesson 5. Read and Write Operations
  • Lesson 6. Write Operation Concern Levels
  • Lesson 1. Data Modeling in MongoDB
  • Lesson 2. RDBMS vs. Data models
  • Lesson 3. Data Modeling tools
  • Lesson 4. Data modeling example & patterns
  • Lesson 5. Model TREE structure
  • Lesson 6. Operational strategies
  • Lesson 1. Security Risks to Databases
  • Lesson 2. MongoDB Security Approach
  • Lesson 3. MongoDB Security Concept
  • Lesson 4. Access Control
  • Lesson 5. Integration with MongoDB with Robomongo
  • Lesson 6. Integration with MongoDB with Java
  • Lesson 7. Indexing Reference
  • Lesson 8. Aggregation to Introduction
  • Lesson 9. Approach to Aggregation
  • Lesson 10. Type of Aggregation (Pipeline, MapReduce & Single Purpose)
  • Lesson 11. Performance Tuning
  • Lesson 1. Backup strategies
  • Lesson 2. Monitoring
  • Lesson 3. Monitoring Commands
  • Lesson 4. Monitoring of performance issues
  • Lesson 5. Run time configuration
  • Lesson 6. Export & import of data
  • Lesson 7. Relationship between Document
  • Lesson 8. Model Specific Application Contexts
  • Lesson 9. Data Model Reference
  • Lesson 10. Hands on with MongoDB Data Modeling
  • Lesson 11. Data Management
  • Lesson 1. Introduction to replica
  • Lesson 2. Election of new primary
  • Lesson 3. Replica set
  • Lesson 4. Type of Replica
  • Lesson 5. Hidden Replica
  • Lesson 6. Arbiter Replica
  • Lesson 7. Sharding
  • Lesson 8. Concepts around Replication
  • Lesson 9. Setting up Replicated Cluster
  • Lesson 10. Setting up Sharded Cluster
  • Lesson 11. Sharding Database, Collections
  • Lesson 1. Index Introduction
  • Lesson 2. Index Concepts
  • Lesson 3. Index Types
  • Lesson 4. Index Properties
  • Lesson 5. Index Creation
  • Lesson 6. Index Tutorial
  • Lesson 7. Indexing Reference
  • Lesson 8. Aggregation to Introduction
  • Lesson 9. Approach to Aggregation
  • Lesson 10. Type of Aggregation (Pipeline, MapReduce & Single Purpose)
  • Lesson 11. Performance Tuning

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