Selenium with Cucumber

Selenium with Cucumber

Selenium with Cucumber Training and Certification.

BIIT’s Selenium with Cucumber training and certification course curriculum consists of an overview of  BDD, Selenium basics and fundamentals, Selenium Architecture, Selenium IDE, WebDriver, Selenium Grid,  TestNG,  AutoIT,  Cucumber Acceptance Tests,  Page Object Model, Page factory,  Building Framework using Cucumber, creating Maven project, etc.

The Selenium with Cucumber physical and online courses are both structured in such a way that will enable you to clear top testing certification exams like ISTQB certification. 

Today, testing professionals are earning a handsome salary as compared to software developers. The average salary of automation testing professional with skills like Selenium and Cucumber is from 6 to 8 lacks per annum.

Each of our instructors are highly qualified professionals with a wealth of experience amounting to 10+ years.  

They will assist you in each aspect like; hands-on training, real-time projects,  placement training, interview preparation, certification, etc. 

The Selenium with Cucumber certification course is a one time investment offer  which will provide you with lifetime benefits.

What you  can learn by using Cucumber.

Test Driven Development and Behavior Driven Development.

How to set up and install Cucumber with Eclipse.

How to create a Cucumber Selenium Java Test, the Cumber Feature File, Gherkin and Cucumber Options.

How to perform Data Driven Testing in Cucumber.

Is this Cucumber testing course right for you?

Firstly you need to have the following


Basic knowledge of concepts and techniques used in Software testing.

Basic knowledge of Automation Testing.

Note: The target audience for this course is Software Testers, and beginners who want to make a career in the BDD test field.

Cucumber Tool Syllabus:

1 – Cucumber Introduction

  • Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Cucumber & Behavior Driven Development
  • Gherkin – Business Driven Development

2 – Set Up Cucumber with Selenium in Eclipse

  • Download and Install Java
  • Download and Start Eclipse
  • Install Cucumber Eclipse Plugin
  • Download Cucumber for Eclipse
  • Download Webdriver Java client
  • Configure Eclipse with Cucumber

3 – Cucumber Basics

  • Cucumber Selenium Java Test
  • Feature File
  • JUnit/TestNG Test Runner Class
  • Gherkin Keywords
  • Step Definition
  • Cucumber Options

4 – Data Driven Testing

  • Parameterization in Cucumber
  • Data Driven Testing Using Examples Keyword
  • Data Tables in Cucumber
  • Maps in Data Tables

Introduction to Cucumber:

Cucumber is an open source tool to support Behavior Driven Development with plain text specifications, It is not an Automated Test Tool and It can Test Functional behavior of web applications by integrating Selenium or Watir etc, tools.

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) framework is extended version of TDD (Test Driven Development) that supports behavioral part of software code.

Cucumber was written in Ruby. Cucumber supports other languages like Java, Net, Javascript and other platforms.

Cucumber reads executable specifications written in plain text and validates that the software does what those specifications say.

  • Gherkin Language:

Gherkin is a business readable language which helps you to describe business behaviour without going into details of implementation. It is a domain specific language for defining tests in Cucumber format for specifications.

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