IOS (I phone)

IOS (I phone)

App develoment:

iOS Development Training Course.


BIIT provide a highly successful and easy to understand training Course in iOS Development where you’ll learn the basics of iOS development all the way to advanced level so you can enhance your career prospects as an experienced developer.


In the era of cloud computing BIIT make it easy to learn iOS development by emplyoying the best trainers and utilising the latest hands on teaching methodology.


When Objective-C was the only way to code for iPhone, it was thought difficult to learn iOS development, however, BIIT’s best iOS development training in East Delhi brings the whole process up to date and within the grasp of everyone.


Learn iOS App Development from the expert Training team with BIIT The Best iOS App Development Training course in East Delhi, Laxmi Nagar.


BIIT’s iOS Course Curriculum:


Our iOS Course Curriculum has been prepared with attention to the job requirements of global mobile app development companies by industry ecperienced expert trainers.


Our faculty cover fundamentals such as *language overview,

*Basic C,

*Basic Swift Programming,

*iOS project structure,

*UI application,

*application creation

Also advanced concepts like 



*publishing the application in the app store effectively.


BIIT’s iOS Course Syllabus:


Our iOS Course Syllabus can be tailored to your learning requirements in order to upgrade your career into mobile app development.


BIIT’s best iOS Application Development Training Modules:


The Following is an extensive list of the iOS Application Development Training Modules provided on the course.


Xcode and Interface Builder


Introduction to Platform Overview and Objective-C


Cocoa Touch Foundation and Tools


Windows, Views, and View Controllers (MVC)


UIControls and ViewController Containers


Memory Management


Data Persistence and Accelerometer


Parsing XML and SQLite


Integrating with Core services – Email, Contacts, Camera, Map kit etc


Profiling and live device testing


Quality Assurance


If you require specific information on any aspect of this, or any of BIIT’s courses contact our office and speak with our expert training team.


Who is the course aimed at?


This course will be beneficial for those interested in starting their career or wishing to augment their IT profile and increase employability.


Candidate Requirements:

A good understanding of any IT field from beginner to advanced level will be an advantage.


Prepare with BIIT the best IT training in East Delhi.


You’ve set your goal. Now it’s time to join BIIT and build the knowledge and skills to propel your career.


Why is BIIT the best institute for IT Courses and Training in East Delhi?:


First and foremost we have the most highly skilled trainers with the best industry experience working in this field.


Your training will cover not only working on theoretical knowledge but also the essential  practical skills that help you understand concepts using live projects, you’ll get hands-on experience and therefore increased employability..


Why Choose  BIIT ?


*BIIT is ranked the best IT Training institute in Laxmi Nagar East Delhi because along with the best tutoring, we also offer job support and interview preparation.


*Life Time Validity:


Once you are enrolled with BIIT for training, you can revise specific topics or the whole syllabus at any time, up to a maximum of 5 years, untill such time as you’re fully competent and confident.


*Training by Professionals:


You will be trained by professionals who have 8+ years industry experience and extensive teaching expertise.


*Problem Solving Team:


At BIIT we have experts in all aspects and areas of IT who are ready to help you with any  problems you may face 24×7.


*Our small Batches provide one to one focus on each student.


BIIT the best training Institute for all your IT requirements in East Delhi.



Training Course Description:


1. Introduction to Objective C and Xcode


Introduction to iPhone development and Xcode


Introduction to Objective C – Part 1


Introduction to Objective C – Part 2


Introduction to Objective C – Part 3


Making your first iPhone App


2. Cocoa Touch and MVC in iOS


Introduction to Objective C – Part 4


Properties, Protocols and Categories in Cocoa Touch


Important Frameworks and creating Cocoa Touch classes


Understanding MVC architecture


3. Controls in iOS


Introduction to Controls


Understanding views and view hierarchy


Advance controllers programming in iOS


4. Controllers and Memory Management in iOS


Understanding Various View Controllers in detail


Working with Switch, Slider ,Buttons and Segment


Understanding Pickers and Action Sheets


Memory management in iOS


5. Introduction to Table View in iOS


Understanding Navigation Controller in iPhone


Working with Table view and mixed content


Grouped, indexed and dynamic table view


Other operations in Table view (Table Cell)


6. Persistence in iOS


File handling in iPhone (Directory and file creations, saving and retrieval of data)


Using SQLite in iPhone


Working with Persistence using property list.


Understanding of Core Data


Understanding the use of Accelerometer


7. Multimedia and internationalization in iOS


Playing back video and music in iPhone


Using camera in iPhone/ Photo library


8. Quality assurance in iOS Application


Steps to Launching the App in the APP store


Performance tuning of an Application


Debugging in Xcode


Unit Testing Applications



If you’re looking to advance your career by having the ability to develop awe-inspiring and faultless apps for leading companie,

BIIT have qualified and certified trainers to provide the best iOS App Development  coaching in New Delhi NCR.



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