Basic Web Designing[HTML,CSS,Js,Jquery,Bootstrap]

Basic Web Designing[HTML,CSS,Js,Jquery,Bootstrap]

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HTML and CSS go hand in hand for developing flexible, attractive, and user friendly websites. 

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is used to show content on the page whereas CSS is used for presenting the page. HTML describes the structure of a Website semantically along with presentation cues.

HTML allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms.

What you’ll learn on BIIT’s best HTML and CSS Course.


HTML is an integral part of a web design course syllabus and is described as hypermark text language. It is a key element of creating a website, in this subject, you will get to understand how HTML elaborates the general structure of a web page design as well as tags and the concept of HTML files. After which designing a web page will be taught along with hyperlinking and the tools that you can use in a web page design process. The recent version of HTML is HTML 5 on which you will get familiarised with the tools featured on it.


The tools essential for web page designing, cascading style sheets a.k.a CSS are amongst the features you will learn along the journey of this course. It is the language used to comprehend a web page’s overall presentation that consists of its layout, fonts as well as colours and themes. Another unique fact about CSS is that it doesn’t require HTML and function independently. This separation assists CSS in adapting a webpage to different environments. The latest CSS3 is replete with amazing features that will be introduced to you in this course and you will also get to learn the tips and tricks of it.

BIIT’s HTML and CSS Training Course provides a comprehensive and in depth study of all the areas and related topics of the field. 

Who is the course aimed at?

This course will be beneficial for those interested in starting their career or wishing to augment their IT profile and increase employability.

Candidate Requirements:

A basic understanding of IT in any  field from beginner to advanced level will be an advantage.

Prepare with BIIT the best HTML and CSS

training in East Delhi.

Why Choose BIIT?

First and foremost we have the most highly skilled trainers with the best  experience working in this field. 

Your training will cover not only working on theoretical knowledge but also the essential  practical skills.

BIIT is ranked the best HTML and CSS

Training institute in Laxmi Nagar East Delhi because along with the best tutoring, we also offer job support and interview preparation.

Boost your Career With BIIT the best HTML and CSS Training in East Delhi 

Life Time Validity: 

Once you are enrolled with BIIT for training, you can revise specific topics or the whole syllabus at any time.

Training by Professionals: 

You will be trained by professionals who have 8+ years experience and extensive teaching expertise.

Problem Solving Team: 

At BIIT we have experts in all aspects and areas of HTML and CSS who are ready to help you with any  problems you may face 24×7.

Our small Batches provide one to one focus on each student.

BIIT the best training Institute for all your IT Training requirements in East Delhi.

Our Course Content.


Module 1: Web Programming Introduction

Architecture of a website

Different technologies in making the website

Web Development Introduction

Module 2: HTML-Introduction

History of HTML

What you need to do to get going and make your first HTML page

What are HTML Tags and Attributes?

HTML Tag vs. Element

HTML Attributes

  • Module 3: HTML-Basic Formatting Tags
  • HTML Basic Tags
  • HTML Formatting Tags
  • HTML Color Coding

Module 4: HTML-Grouping Using Div Span

Div and Span Tags for Grouping

Module 5: HTML-Lists

  • Unordered Lists
  • Ordered Lists
  • Definition list
  • Module 6: HTML-Images
  • Image and Image Mapping
  • Module 7: HTML-Hyperlink

URL – Uniform Resource Locator

URL Encoding

Module 8: HTML-Table

  • < table >
  • < th >
  • < tr >
  • < td >
  • < caption >
  • < thead >
  • < tbody >
  • < tfoot >
  • < colgroup >
  • < col >

Module 9: HTML-Iframe

Using Iframe as the Target

Module 10: HTML-Form

  • < input >
  • < textarea >
  • < button >
  • < select >
  • < label >

Module 11: HTML-Headers

  • Title
  • Base
  • Link
  • Styles
  • Script
  • Meta

Module 12: HTML-Miscellaneous

HTML Meta Tag


HTML Deprecated Tags & Attributes


Module 1: CSS2-Introduction

Benefits of CSS

CSS Versions History

CSS Syntax

External Style Sheet using < link >

Multiple Style Sheets

Value Lengths and Percentages

Module 2: CSS2-Syntax

CSS Syntax single Style Sheets

Multiple Style Sheets

Value Lengths and Percentages

Module 3: CSS2-Selectors

  • ID Selectors
  • Class Selectors
  • Grouping Selectors
  • Universal Selector
  • Descendant / Child Selectors
  • Attribute Selectors
  • CSS – Pseudo Classes

Module 4: CSS2-Color Background Cursor Background-image

  • Background-repeat
  • Background-position
  • CSS Cursor

Module 5: CSS2-Text Fonts

  • color
  • background-color
  • text-decoration
  • text-align
  • vertical-align
  • text-indent
  • text-transform
  • white space
  • letter-spacing
  • word-spacing
  • line-height
  • font-family
  • font-size
  • font-style
  • font-variant
  • font-weight
  • Module 6: CSS2-Lists Tables
  • list-style-type
  • list-style-position
  • list-style-image
  • list-style
  • CSS Tables
  • border
  • width & height
  • text-align
  • vertical-align
  • padding
  • color
  • Module 7: CSS2-Box Model
  • Borders & Outline
  • Margin & Padding
  • Height and width
  • CSS Dimensions
  • Module 8: CSS2-Display Positioning
  • CSS Visibility
  • CSS Display
  • CSS Scrollbars
  • CSS Positioning
  • Static Positioning
  • Fixed Positioning
  • Relative Positioning
  • Absolute Positioning
  • CSS Layers with Z-Index
  • CSS Floats
  • The float Property
  • The clear Property
  • The clear fix Hack

For further information on this course including fees, duration and class mode, or any aspect of BIIT’s extensive range of IT  related training contact our office and speak with one of our expert counsellors.

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